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ALV metronome:
Artificial lung ventilation
Cardiac compressions metronome:
Indirect heart massage
Score regime:
For Apgar score assessment
Current, birth time, start and end of resuscitation
- Description
- Module regimes and functions
- Technical characteristics
- Documents
The device forms sound signals after certain time intervals after a child’s birth to indicate to a medical personnel the necessity of the next health assessment of a newborn or synchronization of its work as part of resuscitation activities.
A simple method for a rapid health assessment of a newborn to identify the necessity resuscitation procedures offered in 1952 by American anesthesiologist Virginia Apgar. All values are controlled in the first minute after the birth, then in the fifth minute of life. In some cases, especially in low values, Apgar score is also fixed in the tenth minute of life. The scale implies the aggregate analysis of five criteria, each of which is assessed from 0 to 2 scores inclusively in certain time intervals.
“The first hour of a newborn’s life is called by many people as a “gold hour”. And there is a good reason for that. The first minutes of life largely determine a survival and prognosis of a further development of a child born in a critical condition. Modern newborn resuscitation protocols allow to provide effective condition stabilization for newborn children even born with an extremely low weight.
However, the protocols require a clear, well-managed and coordinated work of the entire team taking part in emergency care, rigid adherence to time intervals and careful monitoring, timely condition assessment of a newborn, his reaction to resuscitation measures. Device Apgar timer was developed for solution of the tasks.
The in-built timer allow to follow clearly time intervals, the in-built and configurable metronome allows to coordinate well work of a resuscitation team even in the most complicated situation, and Apgar times allows to make Apgar assessment in the strict accordance with the clinical recommendations of resuscitation in a delivery room.
It is difficult to overestimate the role of Apgar timer while holding resuscitation trainings in a delivery room when clear signals allow to develop trainees’ skills of a regular artificial lung ventilation, coordination of artificial lung ventilation and indirect heart massage, formation of a team work rate”.

- “Standby” regime
- “Score” regime;
- Regime of “ALV metronome”
- Regime of “Cardiac compressions metronome”;
- Reflection of birth tи рождения;
- Reflection of end time of resuscitation activities;
- Reflection of current time;
- Setup of signal frequency of “ALV metronome”;
- Clock setup;
- Setup of loudness level of sound signals.
Dimensions | 155/105/70mm |
Weight | 0,3 kg |
Power | 700VA |
Service life | 3 years |
Number of galvanic type batteries LR6/AA 2 pcs. | 2 шт |
Voltage | 2.0-3.3W |
Consumed current | 330mA |