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Since 2020, the Inferum Group has opened and is successfully developing a new line of business - consulting in the field of biomedical technologies. The main goal of the activity is the introduction of promising Russian technologies and production enterprises to international markets.
Today, the Inferum Group is constantly looking for promising technologies, collaborating with major Russian developers and manufacturers. An extensive partner network actively participates in attracting new projects. Once selected, biomedical technologies are internally reviewed by R&D specialists. As a result, only advanced technologies with high export potential reach the final stage of development and preparation for contract execution.
The well-coordinated work of the sales and foreign trade departments, as well as the network of foreign representative offices, leads to a reduction in negotiations, agreement on contracts and even registration of devices in some countries. Trusting relationships with partners facilitate the rapid introduction of products and technologies to foreign markets.
Thanks to the Inferum Group, Russian biomedical technologies are effectively disseminated throughout the world.
Countries with which international cooperation is carried out


"Sputnik Light"

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