Product development and production arrangement
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In Inferum Group, new biotechnologies having completed successfully medical studies are transferred to the development and production arrangements department. Before a product is developed, the department conducts marketing research to identify needs and forms of implementation of the technologies.
Based on the study results, a technical task is written for an industrial designer that is selected among companies –leaders working in the field. During the work, projects of finished products suitable for sale are developed. An optimum shell solution is selected by the export commission with the participation of special focus groups.
Based on the selection results, all technical documentation is prepared: specifications, technological map and other regulations for the production department. For production of devices, press forms are made for production of the developed unique shell, as well as, internal electronic assemblies are manufactured. For the control of product quality and its compliance to specifications, automatic testing devices checking a product on each stage of production are developed and manufactured.
When all preparation works are performed, a small batch of finished product which undergoes technical, toxicological and medical tests is manufactured. If its safety and efficacy is proven, all confirming documentation is executed: marketing authorization, patent, trade mark, etc. Then serial manufacture is launched.
All stages of activity by Inferum Group are confirmed by voluntary certification ISO 13485:2016. It means that our company is responsible for the entire process of product manufacture: from the check of components to a buyer’s warrant service of a finished product. Annual audit confirms full conformity to the international quality standard.